Table of Contents for Captured Lightning web site

(Updated 03/24/25)

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Four Galleries of Lichtenberg Figures
Gallery 1      Gallery2
        Special Gallery   Experimental Sculptures   FAQ

Photo Galleries

Funny Money, Indoor Lightning, Captured Lightning , and BIG arcs and sparks!

"Quarter Shrinker" and Can Crusher
The gadget that makes "Small Change" and slim cans
10" Tesla Coil and Lichtenberg Figures
65" Sparks and Captured Lightning Bolts
Big Arcs and Sparks
High voltage power arcs and accidents
Lichtenberg Figures - Our Special Gallery
Some higher resolution images of some of our best work.  

Shrunken Coins, Technical Books, Lichtenbergs Figures...
Things you didn't even know you needed - some are ONLY available here

"Electromagically" Shrunken Coins
Our Shrunken Head Collection... Quarters, Kennedy's, Indian Heads, shrunk by
ultra-strong magnetic fields.
ONLY from Stoneridge Engineering
Lichtenberg Figures - Gallery 1, Bases, & Ordering Info
"Captured Lightning " in clear acrylic. Stoneridge Engineering is
the premier source for these unique works of scientific art
Lichtenberg Figures - Gallery 2
"Captured Lightning " in clear acrylic. Stoneridge Engineering is
the premier source for these unique works of scientific art

Lichtenberg Figures - Our Special Gallery
Some higher resolution images of some of our best work.
A must see, but you'll need a fast Internet connection.

Bert's Technical Bookstore
Scarce Technical and High Voltage Books for HV Researchers.
 Some titles are unavailable anywhere else
Our Hi-Tech Bookstore
  A more complete listing of some of our high tech books
Solar-Powered Mendocino Motors
Solar Powered Motors with Levitated Armatures
Plans, Kits, and Motors from Tom Vales

Coming eventually

A Bit of Theory...
What's a Tesla Coil, how does Quarter Shrinking work, and what's pulsed power?

What's a Tesla Coil?
Tesla's Famous Lightning Generator
Quarter Shrinking and Can Crushing
How does the Quarter Shrinker REALLY Work?
Lichtenberg Figures ("Captured Lightning ")
"Captured Lightning " figures - what are they and how are they created?

Could Tesla's wireless power system really work?
Paul Nicholson's excellent discussion
(very technical)
The Reconstructed History of Quarter Shrinking
So who first came up with this hare-brained idea?
What is Pulsed Power?
John Pasley's Overview of Pulsed Power Devices

Nikola Tesla and the Tesla Information Center
Find out about Nikola Tesla, his magnificent inventions, and how to build your own Tesla coil

Who was Nikola Tesla?
Inspiration for Mad Scientists Everywhere
Tesla the Prolific Inventor
Some of Tesla's more notable inventions
The Tesla Timeline:
A chronological overview of Tesla's life
So, Who REALLY Invented Radio?
Even the Smithsonian's got it wrong...

High Voltage Safety FAQ
Read this FIRST before messing with High Voltage!
Build your own Tesla Coil!
Where to go for accurate information
A Mirror of Terry Fritz's Tesla Coiling web site

Other Links and Google Site Search...
A bit of this and that...

Search our Website
Lotsa' Other Great Links
No, I'm Not the ONLY Nut doing weird stuff...

Sprinkles Marie - RIP

 About Me
Woodridge's Mad Scientist, EMP Generator, & Local Fire Hazard
A Tribute to Harry Goldman - TCBA
Thank you for the memories, Harry - 20 Years of publishing the TCBA News

Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 1742-1799

High Voltage Sign Please play responsibly! High Voltage Sign1
Bert Hickman, Woodridge's Homegrown Mad Scientist, EMP Generator,  and Local Fire Hazard

Extreme Tracker GIF

This entire web site is copyrighted, 1999-2025. No portion of this site may be reproduced without written consent from the author.