Thanks for the memories,
Harry Goldman, 1923 - 2010
Updated 03/04/19
Harry Goldman of Queensbury, NY created and diligently published the Tesla
Coil Builders Association (TCBA) News during a 20-year period covering
1981 - 2001. Harry formally retired the publication with the last issue
in August 2001. This unique quarterly publication covered Nikola Tesla, the
rich history of and various facets of Tesla Coiling, articles from famous
and experienced coilers both past and present, and practical how-to information.
Over the years, many notable amateur and professional coilers wrote articles for publication
in the TCBA News. And most serious coilers have made a special effort to
acquire all the back issues for their historical, entertainment, and educational
value. Harry had a seemingly endless archive of pictures and articles that
he would resurrect for the benefit of his subscribers.
When Harry
first launched this unique publication, PC's had yet to be invented,
were no Bulletin Boards, email only existed on mainframes and
systems, and a world-encompassing Internet was utterly inconceivable.
Harry's TCBA News helped organize and unite folks who shared a common
for the works of Nikola Tesla and Tesla Coiling from all over the
world. Harry's extensive
library of articles, historical pictures, and his network of pioneering
coilers provided unique insight into the varied and rich history of
This was especially valuable to all of us "newbies"! He personally knew
the famous Hollywood HV special effects folks who had provided
the sparks and arcs for the horror movies many of us remember from
The TCBA News opened new pathways of communication to other Coilers
the world. And, as we all know, Tesla Coilers are some of the best
you'd ever want to meet!
the 2001
Rochester Teslathon, Harry was formally recognized for his invaluable
to the Tesla Coiling community by appreciative coilers from all over
world. In addition to a "Telsa Coil" commemorative cake, a significant
number of coilers contributed short video segments recognizing Harry.
were then combined to create a 2-hour videotape thanks to the hard work
(and persistence!) of Tony DeAngelis. It is a moving and fitting
to Harry! Sadly, Harry passed away after a long illness on November 16, 2010. He is
profoundly missed as an author, a teacher and, for those privileged to
know him, a dear friend.
From the 2003 Rochester Teslathon:
the 2003 Rochester Teslathon, Harry and Ruth enjoy the local scenery
from inside Ed Wingate's
Cage of Death as Ed's big magnifier blasts
the cage with 20 KW of raw fury. What a hobby!

Harry also authored a book about Kenneth Strickfaden - the Hollywood
High Voltage special effects genius, "Kenneth
Strickfaden, Dr. Frankenstein's Electrician", McFarland and Company,
ISBN-10: 0786420642, ISBN-13: 978-0786420643.
Thanks to Tesla coiler Cameron Prince, you can search and read all issues of the TCBA Newsletter
Complete printed sets or individual issues may also be available via Cameron's web site: Tesla Universe website