Web Links to Other High Voltage, Tesla Coil, and Technical Book Sites

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Some of my Favorite Links...
Updated 03/09/25

Excellent Tesla-Related, Tesla Coil, and High Voltage Sites:

4HV.org - Only for serious coilers and high-voltage enthusiasts - Do NOT ask for plans on this site!
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz, Electrostatic Machines and Tesla Coils - one of the BEST electrostatic machines sites on the web
Bart Anderson's High Voltage Lab Site - Including Bart's excellent Javascript and FANTC Tesla Coil Design Programs!
Bill Beaty's Excellent Amateur Science Site - you can literally spend days perusing Bill's huge site - great stuff from a true experimentalist!
Bob LaPointe's Tesla Coil, High Voltage, and Can Crushing Site
Charles Brush's Electric Museum site
Chip Atkinson's Tesla Coil Builders site - Home of the Tesla Coil Builder's Mailing List and archives - THE Premier list for serious coilers
Electric Cars: The Invention of Nikola Tesla's AC Induction Motor - Interesting site that discusses Tesla's contributions to electric cars
Gary Lau's Tesla Coil Page - Great theory and practical information for new and experienced coilers
Greg Leyh: Lightning On Demand Site - See Electrum, the world's biggest 2-Coil System
Jochen's High Voltage Page - lots of good high voltage information
Kaizer Power Electronics - One of the best sites on the Internet for hobbyist high voltage, Tesla coils, and Pulsed Power
KVA Effects - Professional Tesla Coil and High Voltage Special Effects
Nikola Tesla Museum - In Belgrade - Museum - The best Nikola Tesla Museum in the world. Many of his original prototypes and papers.
Nikola Tesla, Complete U.S. Patent Collection from Bart Anderson's site
Nikola Tesla Video/Song Tribute, "Nikola Tesla You're a Man Out of Time" by Paul Hone - nicely done!
Richie Burnett's Superb Tesla Coil site - Excellent Tesla Coil Theory and Simulations! Great information for beginners and experts alike.
Ross Overstreet's Web Site (from old Hot Streamer Site) - Spark Gap and Vacuum Tube Tesla Coils, Coin Shrinking, Can Crushing, Pulsed Power.
Steve Ward's New Tesla Coil Site  - Steve's latest coils including the world's record holder for Solid State coils. Steve was also a member of the Masters of Lightning team. 
Terry Blake's Website - Loads of great TC images and video! Terry is also a member of the Masters of Lightning team. 
Terry Fritz Experiments and Theory - Terry was also the long standing moderator for the Tesla Coil Mailing List - check out MMC's!
TeslaMad Site - Andrew Robinson's Tesla Coil site
TeslaMap site - Design aids, equations, and TeslaMap Tesla Coil design program
Tesla-Universe - Cameron Prince's excellent site. ALL 78 issues of the Tesla Coil Builders Association newsletters are on-line, chat rooms, and lots more!

Pulsed Power, Pulse Capacitors, EM Forming, HV Parts, and Industrial Product Sites:

Arc Flash Facts from the folks at Creative Safety Supply
Can Crusher's Site at RPI Plasma Dynamics Laboratory
Capsite 2015 - Everything you wanted to know about capacitors but were afraid to ask...
Dynex Pulsed Power Semiconductors - SCR's, IGBT's, GTO's, Modules
EE Power Weekly digital publication, featuring technical articles, design tips, and application notes from the industry s leading power electronics engineers and application experts
EMP: The E-Bomb- a Weapon of Electrical Mass Destruction - What are EMP and HERF? 
General Atomics Energy Products (HV capacitors and pulsed power - was previously Maxwell Components and Systems and Sorrento Electronics)
Haefely Test AG - High Voltage and EMC Testing equipment.  Also, excellent High Voltage testing and other technical articles
Hipotronics - High voltage power supplies and testing equipment
HV Stuff - High Voltage Stuff including High Voltage Cable, Diodes, Capacitors, Resistors, and more...
Industrial Quick Search - electrictransformers - Locate Transformer and other industrial manufacturers quickly
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
MacRAE s Blue Book - America s leading industrial locator website
Ness Engineering - Excellent Pulsed Power site - see especially the Publications, Links, and Technical Data pages on the site
NWL Capacitors  HV and pulsed power capacitors, pulse transformers, inductors, and high voltage power supplies

Ohio State University's Impulse Manufacturing Laboratory - Prof. Glenn Daehn's High Energy Processing Site at Ohio State University!
Pearson Wideband Current Transformers - the premiere source for isolated, AC, RF, and pulsed current measurements
Plasma Gate: Plasma on the Internet
Ross Engineering Corporation - High voltage and high current relays, vacuum contactors, spark gaps, HV voltage dividers, and other equipment
Sandia National Laboratories Pulsed Power Technology
- Thirty-Six 1 Million Volt Marx Generators firing all at once - the Z Machine!
University of Texas Center for Electromechanics (Rail guns, Compulsators)

 An Eclectic Mix of Other Unique, Useful, and Technology-Related Web Sites:

All About Circuits - Everything you wanted to know about electronics and circuits, finding parts, educational resources, and user forums!
All About Electronic Circuits -
Another source of information about electronics and circuits
Bathsheba Sculpture - incredible scientific and mathematical 3D sculptures in metal and glass by Bathsheba Grossman
Ben Weins Energy Science - Complex Energy Topics Simplified
CCTV Security Cameras and Systems - Good buying guide for closed-circuit TV (CCTV) cameras and systems from the folks at CCTV Camera World
Edmund Scientific - unique scientific supply house for unique, hard-to-find scientific supplies and kits. And, they carry some of our stuff!
EEEGuide.com An excellent electrical engineering resource for beginners and professionals alike
Electrostatics Society of America (ESA) - A nonprofit professional society devoted to the advancement and improved understanding of electrostatics
EEWeb Electronics Forum - site for the Electrical Engineering Community
How Electricity Works - An Animated Guide to the Science of Electricity
Matt's Gallery - Fractals and Art Beautiful computer-generated works of fractal art         
Residential Electrical Circuits Explained - Lots of good information and resources about electricity and DIY
"Shock Fossils" - Lichtenberg Figure artwork from another one of our creative team members, Todd Johnson
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
- The Wardenclyffe Project
Theater of Electricity in Boston (Tesla, HV, etc.)  THE museum to visit if you're ever in the Boston area!
Theo Gray's Excellent Wooden Periodic Table Table - A unique way to learn about the elements that make up our universe

Out-of-Print or Reprint Book Information Sites:

AddAll Used Book Search (The Best Out-of-Print Books Search Engine!) - search multiple used book sources simultaneously
Bookfinder.com - great book search site for in and out ogf print books
Library of Congress Search System - Excellent Search and book information site with over 9.5 Million In and Out of Print Books
Powell's Technical Books - excellent used/out of print technical book store - HUGE!

In print and out of print Book Sources:
Amazon Books, Search by Author, Title, and Subject - be sure to visit our technical book store while you're there!
Barnes and Noble
Books and Book Collecting (Master Site for Books/Info)
CRC Press, Inc. - Home Page
Electrostatics - LaPlacian Press Book Catalog

Self-help, Addiction-recovery, and other sites:

Alcohol Rehab and Recovery - a helpful site for folks suffering from alcohol addiction

Colonel Potter Cairn Rescue - excellent Cairn Terrier rescue organization. Where we got our Cairn Terriers!
National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab - addiction help for senior citizens
In-Patient Drug Rehab Centers in the US - A helpful site for locating drug rehabilitation centers across the US

If any of the above links don't appear to be working correctly, please let me know.  Thanks!!

Some Other Places to Visit:

Tesla Information Center
Tesla Coil
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
Shrunken Coins for Sale Lichtenbergs for Sale
Tesla Info Center
"Quarter Shrinker"
More Arcs & Sparks
Get Shrunken Coins
Get Lichtenberg Figures

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