Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 29 images

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Stoneridge Engineering is THE Source
for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 09/14/22 - may change without notice)

Style 29 - Two inch "Ball Lightning" Spheres

We start with beautifully polished water-clear acrylic spheres. We then bombard them with a multimillion-volt electron beam while simultaneously rotating them in order to form a spherically shaped region of internal charge. When discharged, the results are simply stunning. The lightning-like internal 3D discharges branch inward from a single external root,  mostly following the curvature of the sphere. Sometimes tendrils also head directly inwards toward the center of the sphere.  When illuminated from below, various display effects can be obtained depending upon how the sphere is oriented for viewing.  For example, with the discharge point positioned on the side opposite to the viewer, one gets the illusion of a completely imbedded discharge that seems to originate from the very center of the sphere, sort of like an exquisitely detailed plasma ball. Rotating the sphere 90 degrees brings out long curving branched discharges that mainly follow the curvature of the sphere. It only seemed appropriate to call these beautiful sculptures "Ball Lightning" Spheres.

Each Ball Lightning Sphere is provided with a wooden or acrylic ring, or a dimpled acrylic block (provided at no additional cost). Spheres are best illuminated from below by one of our multicolor or white LED bases. Optical magnification by the sphere itself further enhances the beauty and detail of the internal discharges!

Although the technology involved in creating these figures is complex, the results are simple: they're incredible!  Because of the physics of the process, most specimens will have asymmetric discharge patterns. Each figure is provided with a one-page explanation about what Lichtenberg Figures are and how they are created. If you like these specimens, you'll also want to see our incredible 2.5" and 3.5" diameter Magnabrites (light gathering magnifiers with internal Lichtenberg Figures) and our magnificent 3" Ball Lightning spheres.

Please note: Spherical specimens should not be left in direct sunlight or illuminated by nearby halogen lights since the sphere focuses light and may cause heating, or even ignition, of nearby objects.

Sphere on carved holder
(Click above for larger image)
Sphere on wooden base
(Click above for larger image)

2 Inch Sphere being discharged

(Click above for larger image)
Sphere shown on a multicolor light base
Another sphere, illuminated by a ROT45MC
rotating multicolor light base
The birth of another Lichtenberg Figure -
sphere being discharged during creation
Closeup of sphere
(Click above for larger image)
Sphere rotated 90 degrees
(Click above for larger image)
Sphere rotated 90 degrees
(Click above for larger image)

Close-up of another sphere on a ROT45MC
rotating multicolor light base
Previous sphere oriented with discharge point
opposite observer, showing 3-D internal structure

Previous sphere illuminated by a multicolor base
Sphere lit by LP3 base - aqua
(Click above for larger image)
Sphere rotated 90 degrees
(Click above for larger image)
Sphere rotated 90 degrees CW
(Click above for larger image)
Another top view, color cycled to near white
via a multicolor
light base
Another sphere with discharge point opposite
observer, showing 3-D internal structure. 
Shown on a
multicolor light base.
Previous sphere, with discharge point to
the right, illuminated by a
multicolor light base
2" Sphere on BD753MC Base
2" Sphere on BD753MC Base
2" Sphere on BD753MC Light Base

Another sphere on a napkin ring resting
on a BD753MC Multicolor Light Base
Sphere on the left rotated 90 degrees on a napkin
ring resting on a
BD753MC Multicolor Light Base
Same sphere but color of BD753MC light
base has changed to bright blue


Some Other Places to Visit:
Tesla Information Center
Quarter Shrinker
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
10" Tesla Coil Link to Shrunken Coins for Sale
Tesla Info Center
The "Quarter Shrinker"
BIG Arcs & Sparks
10" Tesla Coil
Get Shrunken Coins!

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