Captured Lightning sculptures, individual Style 15 images

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Stoneridge Engineering is THE Source
for Rare and Beautiful Lichtenberg Figures!
(Page updated 09/13/22 - may change without notice)

3" Diameter x 3/4" Disks

These beautiful specimens were carefully irradiated and then discharged either in the interior or along an edge to create branching center or edge trees.  Edge has an attractive matte finish. Although the patterns may vary considerably from specimen to specimen, we guarantee your satisfaction with every one.  Also, see our newer Style 43 (3") and 44 (4") disks with a flat surface along the bottom edge. All interior discharges are at or near the center of the specimen. These specimens look nice with our BD985MC, CR35MC, ROT45MC or LM2690 light bases.
Pair of 3" Disks
(Click above for larger image)
White LED Disk
(Click above for larger image)
Blue LED Disk, Interior
(Click above for larger image)
Edge and Interior Discharge Disks
(Edge Dendritic is o
ut of stock)
Edge Discharge Disk illuminated with white LED's
(Out of stock)

Interior Discharge Disk on Multicolor base
Blue LED Disk, Edge
(Click above for larger image)

Disk Discharge
(Click above for larger image)
Edge Discharge Disk on Multicolor base
(Out of stock)

Disk being discharged (photographed
through a neutral density filter)

Some Other Places to Visit:
Tesla Information Center
Quarter Shrinker
Link to 345 kV Switch MPEG
10" Tesla Coil Link to Shrunken Coins for Sale
Tesla Info Center
The "Quarter Shrinker"
BIG Arcs & Sparks
10" Tesla Coil
Get Shrunken Coins!


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